- Bernoulli effect
- эффект Бернулли
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Bernoulli effect — Ber·noul·li effect bər .nü lē , ber .nü ē , .ber .nü .(y)ē n the change in pressure observed in a fluid stream in accordance with Bernoulli s principle Ber·noul·li bər nü lē, ber nü ē, .ber nü .(y)ē Daniel (1700 1782) Swiss mathematician and… … Medical dictionary
bernoulli effect — “ noun Usage: usually capitalized B Etymology: after Daniel Bernoulli died 1782 Swiss mathematician and scientist : an effect observed in hydrodynamics: the pressure in a stream of fluid is reduced as the speed of flow is increased compare… … Useful english dictionary
Bernoulli effect — Bernoul′li effect n. hyd the decrease in pressure as the velocity of a fluid increases • Etymology: after Jakob Bernoulli … From formal English to slang
Bernoulli effect — Hydraulics. the decrease in pressure as the velocity of a fluid increases. [named after Jakob BERNOULLI] * * * … Universalium
Bernoulli effect — noun In a flowing fluid, the occurrence of what is stated by Bernoullis principle … Wiktionary
Bernoulli — can refer to: *any one or more of the Bernoulli family of Swiss mathematicians in the eighteenth century, including: ** Daniel Bernoulli (1700–1782), developer of Bernoulli s principle ** Jakob Bernoulli (1654–1705), also known as Jean or Jacques … Wikipedia
bernoulli's principle — noun Usage: usually capitalized B Etymology: after Daniel Bernoulli : bernoulli effect … Useful english dictionary
Bernoulli , Jakob I — Bernoulli , Jakob (or Jacques) I (1654–1705) Swiss mathematician Jakob I was the first of the Bernoulli family of scientists to achieve fame as a mathematician. As with the two other particularly outstanding Bernoullis – his brother, Johann I and … Scientists
Bernoulli's principle — This article is about Bernoulli s principle and Bernoulli s equation in fluid dynamics. For Bernoulli s Theorem (probability), see Law of large numbers. For an unrelated topic in ordinary differential equations, see Bernoulli differential… … Wikipedia
Bernoulli's theorem — 1. Statistics. See law of averages (def. 1). 2. Hydrodynamics. an expression of the conservation of energy in streamline flow, stating that the sum of the ratio of the pressure to the mass density, the product of the gravitational constant and… … Universalium
Effect size — In statistics, an effect size is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables in a statistical population, or a sample based estimate of that quantity. An effect size calculated from data is a descriptive statistic that… … Wikipedia